What Is The Problem With New Year’s Resolutions? It’s You

There are mixed feelings when it comes to this topic, but what is the problem with new year’s resolutions? The main problem is that people don’t have the discipline to stick with them throughout the year.

Setting new year’s resolutions sounds like a great idea; however, a lot of people lack the desire and commitment to keep up with them after the new year. As the first few weeks of a new year go by, those interests start to fade and wear off.

As we near the end of the year, I thought I would discuss this topic earlier before heading into the final month. I’ll go over some statistics about new year’s resolutions, along with giving some of my thoughts on them. 


  1. Most People Do Not Keep New Year’s Resolutions
  2. Why Set Them At The Beginning Of The Year?
  3. People Lack The Discipline To Set Resolutions
  4. People Don’t Have The Right Resources
  5. What Can You Do Instead?
  6. Some Questions To Ask Yourself
What is the problem with new year's resolutions? This post will go over the main problem with new year's resolutions.

Most people do not keep new year’s resolutions

A lot of people set new year’s resolutions to come New Year’s day, but a small number of them end up sticking to them. According to Statista, around 22% have kept their resolutions in 2022.

On the other hand, around 63% of them said they did not make any at all. I think a lot of people don’t want to try because they know they’ll fail later on in the year.

I can see why because I’ve been in that position before. I’m committed to New Year’s day, but I may fail after the first week or two. A lot of people end up giving up around three-four weeks into the new year, so it does fade off in less than a month.

What is the problem with new year’s resolutions?

Oftentimes, people don’t have clear intentions on what they want to get out of them. Also, they lack the discipline to stick to them throughout the year, which leads to giving up on them too soon.

What Is The Problem With New Year’s Resolutions? It’s You

Why set them at the beginning of the year?

My thoughts aim to be the idea of setting goals for a particular time of the year. Sure, the beginning of the year may sound ideal. But it’s also at a time when everyone is making them as well.

If so many people end up failing by the third or fourth week of January, what’s the point of making new year’s resolutions? It seems that people are doing it for fun rather than taking them seriously.

Why not make them during the middle of the year, or possibly toward the end of the year? There’s nothing wrong with doing that or having a set of rules to follow.

A relevant article from notimekillers.com

Read next on “How to not be so busy: 7 suggestions to avoid “busyness”, to learn the differences between staying productive and being busy.

People lack the discipline to set resolutions

Motivation can be a great thing to have when setting new year’s resolutions. But motivation does not last that long: In fact, it ends up being the end goal (or getting the outcome) that people end up achieving.

What people need instead is self-discipline at times, and it’s not always easy. Having discipline can be challenging, but it can help with sticking to commitments in the long run.

Are New Year’s resolutions good or bad?

There is nothing wrong with New Year’s resolutions, as they can lead to positive changes in your life. The problem with them is that people aren’t clear about what they want. Often, they give up on them due to a lack of discipline or resources.

People don’t have the right resources

Setting a new year’s resolution may require some resources to accomplish them. For example, maybe having an accountability partner to help with your resolutions can work.

Having someone on your side to keep you accountable can help stick to your commitments. It works very well if you have a plan in place while keeping in touch with someone who can help you keep track of your progress.

What can you do instead?

If you’re someone who sets new year’s resolutions each year (but fails at them over and over again), it’s time to rethink that. If something is not working for you, then you have to make some changes around it.

Today, I’m not the biggest believer in new year’s resolutions because I’ve failed at them multiple times. It’s why I usually avoid them as the end of the year comes by.

I believe a better approach is by setting smaller goals on a daily or weekly basis. If you do that in a micro approach, it’ll be far much easier than doing it every year. 

Looking at a glance for the next 365 days can be daunting, so why not start out by setting smaller ones? If you do it that way, it’ll be easy to stay disciplined in the long run.

Start them at any time (not just on New Year’s Day)

One of the biggest points to take away is you can start at any time. Don’t hold off and wait until new year’s day.

You can start tomorrow (or even today) to get going on them. If setting goals can be made in a smaller approach, it’s less likely you’ll fail.

Remember: There are no set rules or guidelines when it comes to setting new year’s resolutions. 

You can make them up according to your own standards, as long as you remain disciplined. 

Having that commitment to be successful can come a long way. So why not start as soon as possible?

Some questions to ask yourself

  1. Are you a fan of making New Year’s resolutions?
  2. Have you succeeded in keeping your resolutions?
  3. What’s the biggest challenge in sticking to resolutions?
  4. What will you do differently if you’ve failed over and over again?

Final Words

Anyone can set new year’s resolutions, but the problem is sticking to them in the long run. Most people end up giving after the first few weeks of the year.

It’s sad to think that people feel excited about setting new year’s resolutions, but then they’ll easily quit after a short period of time. It’s time to change that thinking and look at it from a new perspective.

If you’re ready to start now, think about taking on those new challenges today. Don’t ever wait until the new year arrives because you may end up failing like everyone else.

So what are you waiting for? Get a headstart on it right now!

Your Turn: Will you commit to setting small (achievable) goals?

I would like to get your thoughts on this topic. Have you set new year’s resolutions, only to find yourself giving up on them immediately?

What’s the biggest obstacle you faced? Is it time management, or not having an accountability partner? What could help you with setting your goals to the next level?

Feel free to share your thoughts by leaving a comment below. I look forward to reading your thoughts, and I’ll gladly respond promptly.

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Eric is the owner and chief editor of notimekillers.com. 

He takes great pride in helping people manage their time and grow their businesses. 

Eric is a firm believer in financial and time freedom, as he believes in financial independence and taking ownership of your time. 

“Time is your most important asset. It can be your best friend or worst enemy. How you use your time can shape the future you desire to have.” 

In his leisure time, Eric loves to write and read whenever possible. He enjoys going for long walks outdoors while doing in-home workout videos every week. 

You can also connect with Eric via LinkedIn.

Self Photo 2019: Here's a picture at a building in downtown Chicago.

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