Can You Use The Same Domain For An Email And Website?

In this era of digital business, a professional image is paramount, and having a domain-specific email account can be a game-changer. So can you use the same domain for an email and a website? 

The answer is a resounding yes, and doing so presents numerous benefits for your business.

Today, we’ll guide you through the steps to create a domain-specific email within Wealthy Affiliate.

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  1. Does A Domain Come With Email?
  2. Understanding What A Domain-Specific Email Account Is
  3. Choosing Your Domain
  4. Setting Up Your Domain-Specific Email Account
  5. Forwarding Your Domain-Specific Email
  6. Incorporating Your Domain-Specific Email into Your Website
Can you use the same domain for an email and a website? This post will go over the steps to setting up a domain-specific email.

Can you use the same domain for an email and a website?

Your domain can be the same for your email and website. This creates a consistent, professional brand identity, making it easier for clients and partners to recognize and remember your business.

Does a domain come with email?

An often-asked question is if a domain comes with email. The answer, particularly within the context of Wealthy Affiliate, is yes. 

When you purchase a domain through Wealthy Affiliate, it provides you with an email server. 

This server allows you to set up domain-specific email accounts. The beauty of this setup is that you’re not limited to creating just one email account. 

You can set up multiple email accounts under your domain, depending on your business needs. 

For instance, you might have “” for general inquiries, “” for customer service, and”” for personal business emails. 

This flexibility allows for organized communication channels and enhances the overall efficiency of your business operations.

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Understanding what a domain-specific email account Is

A domain-specific email account is an email address that includes your business’s domain name after the ‘@’ symbol. 

For example, if your domain is “,” a domain-specific email could be “” 

Having such an email elevates the perception of your business as it exudes professionalism, credibility, and brand consistency.

Choosing your domain

The first step to setting up a domain-specific email account is to choose and register your domain. In Wealthy Affiliate, this process is made simple. 

Your domain name should align with your business name, be memorable, and be easy to spell. Try to keep it concise and avoid using hyphens or numbers.

A relevant article from

Read next on “Do You Need A Website Anymore? 9 Reasons It’s Needed” to understand why it’s essential to have a website today.

Setting up your domain-specific email account

Once your domain name is secured, you can proceed to create your domain-specific email account. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this within Wealthy Affiliate:

  1. Log into your Wealthy Affiliate account.
  2. Navigate to the “Websites” section and select “SiteRubix.”
  3. From the left-hand menu, choose “Email.”
  4. You’ll see the option to “Create a New Email Account.” Click on it.
  5. Input your preferred email prefix (the part before the ‘@’), select your domain from the drop-down menu
  6. Click “Create Account.”

From there, you’ve just created your first domain-specific email account.

Can you use the same domain for an email and a website? You can easily create a domain email through Wealthy Affiliate.

Does your email address have to match your domain name?

Indeed, having your email address match your domain name significantly boosts your credibility and portrays a professional image. It allows clients and partners to instantly recognize the correspondence as being from your business, fostering trust and enhancing your brand’s identity.

Forwarding your domain-specific email

Wealthy Affiliate also allows you to forward your new email account to an existing email address. 

This feature is beneficial if you prefer to manage all your emails from a single account. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 from the previous section.
  2. Under the “Email Forwarders” section, click on “Add Forwarder.”
  3. Input the domain-specific email address you want to forward from and the existing email address you want to forward to.
  4. Click “Add Forwarder.”

You’ve now streamlined your email management process.

Can you use the same domain for an email and a website? Through Wealthy Affiliate, you can create email forwards to your original email.

To get the full breakdown, be sure to check out my extensive review of Wealthy Affiliate. If you want to learn more and are interested in this platform, read “Is Wealthy Affiliate A Good Program? Wealthy Affiliate Review” to get all of the details. This review is well worth your time as you make your best decision.

Incorporating your domain-specific email into your website

Your new professional email address should be visible on your website. Specifically, it’s advisable to incorporate it into your “About” and “Privacy Policy” pages. 

This adds a layer of trust and makes reaching you easier for customers or potential partners. 

However, to protect it from email scraping (and resultant spam), consider using an email form or displaying it as an image.

Can you use the same domain for an email and a website? It's good to add your email when updating your privacy policy page.

Final Words

Setting up a domain-specific email account provides undeniable benefits to your business. It enhances your professional image, aids in brand consistency, and offers efficient email management. 

Now that you know the steps to create and forward a domain-specific email in Wealthy Affiliate, it’s time to put this knowledge into practice.

Want to learn more? We invite you to delve deeper into the topic and discover other exciting insights through Wealthy Affiliate’s lesson on setting up a domain-specific email account. 

Take your business to new heights today – because professionalism starts with the small details.

Ready to boost your business’s professional image? Check out Wealthy Affiliate’s lesson on how to set up a domain-specific email account. 

Your Turn: Will you set up a domain email for your website?

I want to get some feedback from you. Here’s some food for thought

Have you set up a domain-specific email account for your business? If so, how has it impacted your communication and professional image?

What challenges did you face while setting up your domain-specific email, and how did you overcome them?”

Do you use different domain-specific emails for various business functions (like support, sales, info), and how has this organization affected your operations?

Feel free to share your thoughts by leaving a comment below. I look forward to reading your responses and I’ll gladly respond promptly.

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Eric is the owner and chief editor of 

He takes great pride in helping people manage their time and grow their businesses. 

Eric is a firm believer in financial and time freedom, as he believes in financial independence and taking ownership of your time. 

“Time is your most important asset. It can be your best friend or worst enemy. How you use your time can shape the future you desire to have.” 

In his leisure time, Eric loves to write and read whenever possible. He enjoys going for long walks outdoors while doing in-home workout videos every week. 

You can also connect with Eric via LinkedIn.

Self Photo 2019: Here's a picture at a building in downtown Chicago.

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