I Want To Start A Business But I’m Not Good At Anything

There’s a common feeling of “I want to start a business but I’m not good at anything.” I hear this way too often, and it’s what I want to address in this post.

Starting a business can be exciting, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult process. If you doubt your abilities, understand that you have a talent or two.

Whatever that may be, you can provide value and turn that into a successful business. You may not realize it now, but until you put that into action, anything is possible.

In this post, I’ll give some helpful tips on getting your mind going with business ideas. No matter how good you are, that idea you may have may work out after all.

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  1. Everyone Has Talent And Can Provide Value
  2. Change Your Mindset
  3. Do Your Research- For Free
  4. Get Out Of The “Time For Dollars” Mentality
  5. Network With Individuals Who Have Similar Interests
  6. Pick One Area To Focus On
I want to start a business but I'm not good at anything: This article goes over some ways to starting a business, even if you don't have a high skillset.

Everyone has talent and can provide value

We all have our strengths and weaknesses: Some of us excel in specific areas, while in other areas we’re not that skilled.

But, every single person has a talent that defines their strengths. Whatever type of talent that is, they can be of value to others.

If you happen to be a user experience (UX) designer, you can provide beautiful designs to outline a website. That’s an excellent skill to have, and something that people are looking for today.

Unfortunately, not everyone turns their talent into a business idea. Not understanding that can be missing out on great opportunities. 

I want to start a business but I'm not good at anything: This post lays out five reasons for starting a business.

I want to start a business but I’m not good at anything

No matter what talents or skills you have, you can use them to provide value to others. What may be an interest can turn into a business that gives you the best return on your future. Here are five tips to consider when starting a business.

Change your mindset 

Having your own business is not something you can simply put together (or that it’s super easy). One of the first things you have to do is change your mind about how you think of the business.

It’s not easy starting out, as it takes time and effort to see real results. If you want to succeed in business, you need to think long-term.

Keep in mind there are no short-term fixes when it comes to business growth. You have to make a commitment to stick with it and remain consistent.

Mindset tip: Give your business 12-24 months to see results take place

It may take some time, but it’s well worth waiting to see your work pay off big time. Remember that there are no quick fixes.

I want to start a business but I'm not good at anything: Changing your mindset about business is an excellent starting point.

Do your research – For free

Conducting research is not complicated. These days, you have the power of the internet to utilize. 

For any topic that may be of interest to you, it’s easy to find information by doing a Google search. Or for videos, going straight to YouTube is a prime location to find information on any type of topic. 

The best part about it is you can find a lot of information, and even learn it for free. Although, I tend to take precautions when it comes to getting things for free 

Remember that not all information may be good through free content. In some cases, it’s better to pay for getting information on a particular topic.

You never know what you might find through your research. For starters, Google and Youtube are great ways to get started through research.

Can I start a business with no skills?

Yes- however, it’s essential to learn and acquire specialized skills to succeed. Mastering one skill can be the best business decision you make.

Get out of the “time for dollars” mentality

When you work for someone else, you’re exchanging your time for money. In the mindset of an employee, you expect a specific amount of money on each paycheck. 

Entrepreneurs do not have that similar mindset. In the book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, one of the first lessons laid out is that the rich do not work for money; rather, they make money work for them.

It’s a fundamental lesson to understand if you want to shift from a poor to a rich mindset. So if you’re brand new to that thinking, don’t expect to get paid right away.

Money lesson: The rich do not work for money- money works for them. (Rich Dad Poor Dad)

I want to start a business but I'm not good at anything: Getting out of the "time for dollars" mentality is key to running a successful business.

It’s possible you may not make any money during your first few months (or even your first year). I put that out now because when things don’t work out, never blame others or external causes for your failures.

Going down that route can lead to establishing the wrong mindset, and potentially making bad choices. You don’t want to have that victim mentality in mind when things turn upside down for you.

Relevant article from notimekillers.com

Read next on “What are the benefits of owning your own business? 7 pros”, and learn how owning a business can benefit you personally and professionally.

How do I know what kind of business to start?

Besides doing your research, pick an interest that excites you the most. Find something that won’t make you bored.

Network with individuals who have similar interests

Being around people who share similar interests as you help a lot. Some questions to consider include:

  1. Do they have the same passions (or similar) as you do?

2. Did they struggle early when starting a business?

They may be ahead of you, and they can share lessons they’ve learned over time. Some places to connect include the following:

  • Forums (i.e. Quora, Reddit)
  • Social media networks (i.e. Linkedin)

These are good places to reach out for guidance and further mentorship. It doesn’t hurt to look out for connections at these places.

Pick one area to focus on

Once your interests are identified (i.e. niche is narrowed down), focus on learning a specialized skill. You can learn multiple things at once, but that can be overwhelming at times.

Instead, focus on mastering one skill that can benefit your business growth. For example, that can be video editing for a YouTube channel or understanding how to make Facebook ads.

When learning a new skill, give it about three-six months to master it. Once that mark is up, you may see great results come out of it. In that case, you can learn another skill if you’re ready to go to the next level.

I want to start a business but I'm not good at anything: Pick one skill to master within three-six months, and see what happens.

My thoughts

When I started my first business, I did not have any high-value skills; for example, these may include coding or copywriting skills.

But I took the time to start learning how I can market myself better. If that’s what it was going to take for success, I knew I had to make some changes. 

One of my biggest strengths is writing. It’s something that I can leverage while strengthening it and learning effective content marketing. 

Right now, I’m still learning new things, but I’ve identified my strengths much better these days.

Relevant article from notimekillers.com

Read next on “What is the best way to earn money online? 3 methods”, and see how making money on the internet can be one of the best skills you can learn.

Final Words

Every single individual has talent, and they can leverage their skills to run a successful business. If you can narrow down your interests and pick one skill to master, it’s an excellent starting point.

Whatever you end up doing for a business idea, make sure to have fun with it. The points mentioned earlier are good to look over and get more ideas. 

If you’ve been looking to start a business for some time- but don’t know where to start, I encourage you to check out my top recommendation. It’s worth looking at.

This platform is the best place to get started in an online business. The training is great, and you have a supportive community to back you along the way. Feel free to check out and get started today.

Your Turn: What is one passion you have?

I would like to get your thoughts on this topic. Have you been wanting to start a business for some time?

If so, what’s been holding you back lately? Is it because you doubt yourselves, or you don’t have the right skill set?

What can you do to get started on that path today? What’s one skill you want to master moving forward?

Feel free to share your thoughts by leaving a comment below. I look forward to reading your responses, and I’ll gladly respond promptly.

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Medium Profile
Eric is the owner and chief editor of notimekillers.com. 

He takes great pride in helping people manage their time and grow their businesses. 

Eric is a firm believer in financial and time freedom, as he believes in financial independence and taking ownership of your time. 

“Time is your most important asset. It can be your best friend or worst enemy. How you use your time can shape the future you desire to have.” 

In his leisure time, Eric loves to write and read whenever possible. He enjoys going for long walks outdoors while doing in-home workout videos every week. 

You can also connect with Eric via LinkedIn.

Self Photo 2019: Here's a picture at a building in downtown Chicago.

2 thoughts on “I Want To Start A Business But I’m Not Good At Anything”

  1. I am good at sport I am good at computers i am good at photography i am good creating websites. I need help with how to go to business or work.

    • Hi Hamko,

      It sounds like you’re good at some things, which is great to know. But what are you really good at, or what do you love doing the most?

      You said you’re good at creating websites. Are you skilled at website design?

      If so, that’s good. If you want to learn more, I encourage you to check out a great place to learn how to do that. The best part is you can get started for free to see if it’s the right fit for you or not.

      I hope that helps. Thank you for sharing your thoughts- much appreciated.


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