How Many Hours Is Part Time Work Worth To You? My Thoughts

Part-time work is not uncommon, and it has been around for a long time. Working part time has its ups and downs, but there are a lot of people who do so. They work part time even though they prefer full-time employment. But how many hours is part-time work worth to you? Each person will answer differently, and it’s a good idea to keep them in mind. 

That will be the subject of this article, and I’ll take a closer look into. I will run down what part time employment is about, what others think about it, and how much part time work is really worth to you.

What is part-time employment?

There’s no official definition of this term, so it will vary depending on the occupation you’re in. Usually, it’s anything less than traditional full time hours (i.e. 40 hour workweek). 

It may vary by state depending on the types of labor laws. Although it’s not clear on how to define part time employment.

Even the U.S. Department of Labor does not state firmly on what PT employment stands for. So again, it’s up to employers to determine how they classify part time hours for their business.

What do others think about part time hours?

Oftentimes, people believe the hours can range between 20-29 hours per week (under 30 hours). One reason it’s under 30 hours is so companies are not obligated to provide some benefits to their employees. 

If it goes over 30 hours, companies have to follow some laws and provide benefits to who they hire. For example, a company providing health insurance is one big one that they may have to offer their employees.

On the other hand, companies may classify part time hours as 35 hours or less. I know one place I worked that considered their workers part time if they were under 35 hours per week.

How many hours is part time work: Part time employment can come in various forms- depending on the type of work you do.

What else could part time hours fall under?

Also, part time hours can be far less depending on the type of job an individual holds. Some jobs don’t have set hours, or they’re only on an “as needed” basis.

Some of these jobs include the following:

  • Substitute teachers
  • Delivery drivers
  • Virtual assistants
  • Freelance writers
  • Translators
  • Tutors

If you work in any of these occupations, the hours may vary but they can be considered part time. These jobs usually can be far fewer hours than having a traditional full time job.

How many hours is part time work: Part-time work is part of the gig economy, which continues to grow rapidly.

Another thing to point out is it’s very common to see people do this type of work. Freelancing and “gig” work has been around the last several years, and continues to grow and provide more opportunities for people.

I find it fascinating as the economy continues to change. The fact that there are more opportunities today than before shows it doesn’t matter if the work is full time or part time. I don’t think the trend will change anytime soon.

What is part time work really worth?

Whether you work 30 hours, 20 hours, or even less than five hours a week, it’s worth something valuable. If you enjoy doing the work and make a good living, the hours don’t matter that much.

If you make decent money, it can make you very satisfied. Even though it may be a whole lot of income, the idea it makes you feel good about means something.

I think it’s important that you do work that brings a sense of purpose and self worth in life. There are a few questions you should ask yourself when it comes to work:

  • Do you find a sense of joy and feel passion about the work you do?
  • Do you find yourself fulfilled with the work you do?
  • Are you doing something meaningful where you’re having an impact on someone’s life
  • Are you happy overall with the work you do?

I know these may sound cheesy or like a bunch of word salad. However, I believe it’s important to step back and examine what your work really means. Do you find it to be meaningful and it’s living up to your true potential?

What is it’s purpose?

If you’re helping people and providing value to them, then it does mean something (whether small or big). If the work you do brings more control in your life, that’s even better.

If you have control over the financial aspects of your life, you have moved towards the path to financial freedom. When you achieve that, you have more time to do other things as well. That’s what I refer to as time freedom.

No matter what the status is or how many hours you work, it’s something more than just those things. If you find meaning and purpose with the work you do, then your work (part time, full time, or flex hours) is worth something much more than money.

How many hours is part time work: Finding fulfillment in the work you do is key to doing work that’s enjoyable in life.

Final Words

To look over again, part time hours can have different meanings. However, it’s worth something to each individual. Regardless if you work 10 hours or 30 hours a week, there’s much more to explain than just numbers.

If you’re doing work that’s meaningful and you provide value to others, you’re on the right track. Even if it’s a part time gig, you’re still making the most out of the time you put into doing it.

For me, I like to help others find resources to save them time and money. When it comes to growing a business, that’s what I find most intriguing. It’s one reason why I’m interested in working with entrepreneurs in making the best decisions possible.

How many hours is part time work: This post goes over the real meaning of part time work, which is more than how many hours you work.

If you’re someone who’s interested in learning more (especially if you work part time), I would love to work with you on an one-on-one basis. There are options for you to build a business in an area you’re passionate about. 

If you would like more information, feel free to reach out to me via the contact page. Please shoot me an email, and I’ll get back to you very soon.

Your Turn: What do part time hours mean for you?

I would like to get your thoughts on this topic. When you think about part time work, do you think of how much money you make? Or do you think about who you’re serving and providing value to? 

Do you work a part time job? Or do you happen to fall under the freelancer/gig worker category? Nothing wrong with that, but is it something you enjoy doing?

Feel free to leave your thoughts by leaving a comment below. I look forward to reading your responses, and I’ll gladly respond promptly.

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Eric is the owner and chief editor of 

He takes great pride in helping people manage their time and grow their businesses. 

Eric is a firm believer in financial and time freedom, as he believes in financial independence and taking ownership of your time. 

“Time is your most important asset. It can be your best friend or worst enemy. How you use your time can shape the future you desire to have.” 

In his leisure time, Eric loves to write and read whenever possible. He enjoys going for long walks outdoors while doing in-home workout videos every week. 

You can also connect with Eric via LinkedIn.

Self Photo 2019: Here's a picture at a building in downtown Chicago.

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