How To Find Your Niche For An Online Business: Best Guide

Choosing a niche is essential to creating a successful online business. We can show you how to find your niche for an online business if you’re curious.

Niche selection can be tricky for some people. Why is that?

They most likely have not done proper research on the niche they’ve chosen. Niche research is an important step before diving into any niche.

In this article, I’ll discuss what type of niche to select for your business. Along with that, I’ll list some of the best places to get the most out of your niche research.

  1. What Niche Should I Decide On For My Website?
  2. How To Find Your Niche For An Online Business
  3. How Do I Get Knowledge On My Niche?

4. What If I Can’t Decide On A Niche?

How to find your niche for an online business: This article will go over some resources for doing niche research.

What niche should I decide on for my website?

Niche selection should not be about “how much money can I make?”. Or another can be, “What are the most lucrative niches that can make me the most money?”.

Throw out the money component of choosing a niche. There has to be a mindset shift when it comes to going down that path.

The best route to take is to find a niche you’re passionate about. I follow that by focusing on two components:

  1. Choose a niche based on your passions and interests
  2. Narrow down your niche to a specific aspect

In other words, it’s best not to choose a niche that’s too broad. For example, dieting and exercise might need to be narrowed down further. 

To be more specific, maybe break it down to cardio and strength training for men over the age of 50. That’s narrowing it down while targeting a specific group of individuals.

How to find your niche for an online business: Discussing your niche more specifically can help with finding the right group of people to target.

Why should I choose this route?

You can easily get lost choosing a niche based on earnings potential. Also, you may lose interest in that niche shortly afterward.

So that’s why I go back to picking a niche that you’ll have a genuine interest in over time. If you need more assistance with it, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is the niche something I love to “brag” about all day long?
  • Is the niche something that people can come to me for expert knowledge?
  • If I had to choose one niche to work on for the rest of my life, is that an absolute “Yes!”?

If you answered yes to these questions, you’ve found the right niche. But you also want to keep in mind that you’ll be creating content in the niche regularly. 

Whether it’s writing articles (or making videos), it’s something you’ll be doing on a consistent basis. Don’t think about the short-term, but think of the potential it can have for years to come. 

So plan for the long-term: that’s the whole point of building a successful, profitable business.

How to find your niche for an online business

Before deciding on a niche, proper research is essential to choosing a niche. It’s often the first step before getting into the nitty-gritty things of building your online business. Let’s discuss five resources you can use to research a niche you’re passionate about.

How to find your niche for an online business: This graph lays out five resources for researching a niche for your business.

How do I get knowledge on my niche?

As mentioned, niche research is a key component to decide on a niche for a business. If you take some time to do research, it’ll be easy to make a sound decision.

Let’s break it down by laying out the list of sources to do proper research. 

While reviewing this list, let’s choose an example of a specific niche. We’ll do baby food for those expecting, and for new mothers, as it’ll be easier to understand.

Niche magazines

Magazines are still relevant today, whether they’re printed or digital versions. They’re one of the most underutilized resources, but they’re powerful for coming up with niche ideas.

Regarding the baby food niche, some popular magazines include Let’s Eat, Bringing Home Baby, and Out & About. Another well-known magazine in this niche is New Parent.

Google Search

As the most-used search engine in the world, Google is a great source for doing research. Unfortunately, many people use it as a time waster these days.

By that, they may just do random searches with no purpose in mind. Rather than using it for random searches, it’s best to make the most out of Google autocomplete.

How to find your niche for an online business: Doing a basic Google search can help with researching a niche.

While doing a Google search, you can type in terms such as:

  • How-to do…
  • Best…
  • How can I…?
  • Why does…..?
How to find your niche for an online business: Looking up People Also Ask brings you a list of relevant questions users are asking.

Along with that, make sure to use the People Also Ask section to get common questions that are asked by users. PAA is a neat section to get information by searching up real-time questions being asked.

Regarding baby food, here’s a screenshot of what you can type in. Also, there’s a PAA section of questions that users are asking through search.

How to find your niche for an online business: Looking up People Also Ask brings you a list of relevant questions users are asking.

A relevant article from

Read next on “How Do I Find Keywords For My Website? Free 5-Step Guide” to learn the best approach to doing keyword research for free. Without using any tool, this method is great to do research for free.

Answer Socrates

This one is another great resource to find questions people are asking on Google. You can see it as another alternative to Google or Google Trends.

Basically, Answer Socrates goes more in-depth with current trends and advanced questions from Google’s PAA section. Also, it helps writers (and SEO consultants) write high-quality content.

When looking up baby food, I found a lot of in-depth questions that can be used for writing content. It’s another free resource to utilize, and excellent for doing niche and content research.

How to find your niche for an online business: Answer Socrates is a free resource where it goes in-depth of what users are looking for on Google.
How to find your niche for an online business: Answer Socrates provides you with more advanced questions that can be useful for doing research.

Forums (Q&A)

Forums are another great resource to get niche ideas. One of the key points is to look for common FAQS  people are asking about and need answers.

Through these FAQS, that’s where you can find user-generated content. Essentially, it is content in which users ask questions in real-time.

Some of the top forums include Quora and Reddit, which are free to join. So by creating accounts on those platforms, you can join related groups in your niche.

Here are screenshots of what I found in the baby food niche. These are a few examples of it, so there are plenty of questions you can find in the niche you’ve chosen for your business.

Some of the user questions include the following:

  • Is microwave-cooked food safe for infants?
  • Are there some simple but tasty and healthy baby food recipes?
  • Do you use store bought baby food after 6 months or make it at home?
How to find your niche for an online business: This page is a list of questions asked on Quora.
How to find your niche for an online business: This page has a list of questions asked on Reddit.

How do you find trending niches?

The niches that are trending tend to be discovered through user-generated content. They can be found through online forums (i.e. Quora), Amazon shopping reviews, and popular niche magazines.


Out of all the major retailers, Amazon is the hot spot for many on-demand products. To this day, Amazon beats out Google in the product search and shopping category.

Not only is Amazon the best place to find relevant products, but you can get plenty of ideas for writing product reviews. Whatever niche you choose, you’ll likely end up writing a lot of product reviews.

Some of the benefits of using Amazon include the following:

  • Utilizing customer reviews (to provide testimonials for your product reviews)
  • Adding affiliate links by joining the Amazon Associates program
  • Using Amazon can help narrow down your niche into specific products to share or promote
How to find your niche for an online business: A baby food maker that’s in the best-seller category on Amazon.

When looking up products in the baby food niche, you can look up related terms in the best-seller category. The best-seller category is great to look over when choosing products to write about.

You can sign up for emails for any new products in your niche if you’re an Amazon customer.

The emails you receive may not all be relevant, but you might find one or two with related products to do research on in your niche.

How do you find your niche in online marketing?

Here are some basic steps to selecting your ideal niche:

  • Find a niche you have a passion for or a genuine interest learning about.
  • Figure out how you can help people in the niche you select.

EXAMPLE: I want to help new mothers pick high-quality baby food for their newborns.

  • Conduct research in your niche (i.e. Google search, Amazon, and user forums such as Quora & Reddit)
  • Create content in your niche on a regular basis

What if I can’t decide on a niche?

In that case, that’s ok. You may have to do more research, or maybe choose another niche you have a significant interest.

If you’re still struggling, then another alternative can be the make money online niche. If that’s something you’re curious to learn more about, it can be a great starting point.

For those starting out, I recommend trying out affiliate marketing because it’s one of the best ways to get running in an online business.

There’s a lot of potentials when it comes to working in this category of making money online.

There are other methods you can look into; however, my best bet would be to stick with affiliate marketing in the beginning.

If you want to learn more and dive into more of the make-money-online niche, I encourage you to check out my top recommendation.

To learn how to make money online, the training is by far the best way to get started for free.

A relevant article from

Read next on “What Niche Is The Best For Beginners? 5 Things To Consider“, to decide on picking the best niche that fits your interests and passions.

Final Words

Deciding on a niche requires research before getting your hands dirty. Without doing your research, you’ll be all over the place if you keep changing your niche. 

This research guide is an excellent starting point for launching an online business. Whatever niche you choose to go with, use it as a guide while doing research online.

Your Turn: Which resource will you use to research your niche?

I would like to get your thoughts on this topic. Have you struggled with picking a niche for your business?

Have you used any of the resources before? Which one do you think helps the most in doing niche research?

Are you more knowledgeable about how to do niche research moving forward? Have you come up with more ideas for picking a niche?

Feel free to share your thoughts by leaving a comment below. I look forward to reading your responses, and I’ll gladly respond promptly.

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Eric is the owner and chief editor of 

He takes great pride in helping people manage their time and grow their businesses. 

Eric is a firm believer in financial and time freedom, as he believes in financial independence and taking ownership of your time. 

“Time is your most important asset. It can be your best friend or worst enemy. How you use your time can shape the future you desire to have.” 

In his leisure time, Eric loves to write and read whenever possible. He enjoys going for long walks outdoors while doing in-home workout videos every week. 

You can also connect with Eric via LinkedIn.

Self Photo 2019: Here's a picture at a building in downtown Chicago.

2 thoughts on “How To Find Your Niche For An Online Business: Best Guide”

  1. Well, I think choosing your niche is the hardest step for everyone. It should be done carefully because it’s the first step to reaching your goal. 

    You have mentioned such a great piece of information about finding a niche. I will share it with my friends. 

    Thanks a lot, my dear friend.

    • Hi Liam,

      Picking a niche for any online business is not easy. Yet, it is a critical step to take before doing anything else.

      You’re right about it being the first step in the business process. If you don’t pick a niche you’re not significantly interested in, it’ll be harder to create content.

      In that case, it’ll feel like doing chores or real work that people don’t enjoy. Why would people want to go down that route?

      I believe it’s best to pick a niche that you’re passionate about. That way you can discuss it with other people.

      If you’re someone who’s passionate about a specific topic, people want to look up to you. When that happens, you’re seen as an authority in your niche.

      Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts- I greatly appreciate them.


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